5th ASU Rehabilitation Robotics Workshop
Supported by the Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust
February 6-7, 2017 | Hosted by Arizona State University
Location: Memorial Union, ASU Campus, Tempe
The main theme of this workshop is rehabilitation robotics. However, the workshop will include a wide range of topics aimed at improving quality of life and covering the multidisciplinary field of robotics, including human robot interaction and human motor control. The main goals of the workshop are to discuss the state of the art in rehabilitation robotics and to identify the main challenges in this field.
This workshop is supported by a Piper Health Solutions grant to the School of Biological and Health Systems Engineering at Arizona State University.
This workshop is open to:
- Researchers in the fields of robotics, rehabilitation, assistive devices, and physical human-robot interaction
- Undergraduate and graduate students in the fields of engineering, medicine, physical rehabilitation, and nursing
- Clinicians and therapists in neuro-rehabilitation
- General public
The event is free, however registration is required for admittance to the workshop.