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ASU Rehabilitation Robotics Workshop | February 6-7, 2017

ASU Rehabilitation Robotics Workshop

Plenary Speakers

Dario Farina

Dario Farina

Chair in Neurorehabilitation Engineering

Department of Bioengineering
Imperial College London

Expertise: Motor control and biomedical signal


Neville Hogan

Neville Hogan

Sun Jae Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Expertise: Controlling physical interaction (between humans, robots and tools), human biomechanics and dexterous control of movement, agile dynamic locomotion in humans and robots. 


Randolph Nudo

Randolph Nudo

Professor & Vice Chair of Research; Director, Landon Center on Aging

Department of Rehabilitation Medicine
Director, Landon Center on Aging
University of Kansas

Expertise: Rehabilitative training on functional plasticity after stroke, and is a frequent speaker at national and international symposia on stroke, neurology, physical therapy and rehabilitation.


Invited Speakers

Panagiotis Artemiadis

Panagiotis Artemiadis

Assistant Professor

School for Engineering of Matter, Transport and Energy
Arizona State University

Expertise: Physical interaction of humans and robots in the context of every day life tasks including interception and cooperation, Neuromuscular control of remotely operated robot, Identification and modeling of the human arm dynamic characteristics, Neuromuscular control of orthotic devices providing assistance and/or power augmentation, Brain-Machine Interfaces and neural decoding, Adaptive control of hybrid neuro-robotic platforms


Robert Gaunt

Robert Gaunt

Assistant Professor

Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine

Expertise: sensorimotor control and the development of neuroprosthetic devices. He works on developing methods to restore and improve bladder function using electrical stimulation of the spinal cord and peripheral nerves and on interfaces with the spinal cord and brain to monitor natural sensory activity and generate artificial sensations. These technologies will enable advanced neuroprosthetic devices with sensory capabilities.


Claire Honeycutt

Claire Honeycutt

Assistant Professor

School of Biological and Health Systems Engineering
Arizona State University

Expertise: Neural control of balance, reaching and grasp


He (Helen) Huang

He (Helen) Huang

Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Director of the Rehabilitation Engineering Center

Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
and North Carolina State University

Expertise: Neural-machine interface; prosthetics and orthotics; control of wearable robotics.


Mark Humayan

Mark Humayan

Associate Director of Research

USC Eye Institute at the Keck School of Medicine
Professor of Cell and Neurobiology

Expertise: Electrical stimulation of the retina, retinal prosthesis, retinal disease, instrumentation for Vitreoretinal Surgery, ophthalmic instrumentation, micro and nano electronics in medicine, retinal electrical prosthesis, retinal disease, including retinal degeneration, retinal vein occlusion, retinitis pigmentosa and age-related macular degeneration, nanotechnology, medical bioengineering.


Hyunglae Lee

Hyunglae Lee

Assistant Professor

School for Engineering of Transport, Matter and Energy
Arizona State University

Expertise: Physical human-robot interaction, Neuromuscular control of human movement, Robot-aided neurorehabilitation, System identification for physiological systems


Peter S. Lum

Peter S. Lum

Associate Professor and Chair

Department of Biomedical Engineering
Catholic University of America

Expertise: Interventions to aid rehabilitation after neurological injury. developing robotic devices for rehabilitation of upper extremity function, studying motor learning and performance limitations in amputee populations, and continuing work in telerehabilitation technologies.


Marcia O’Malley

Marcia O’Malley


Department of Mechanical Engineering
Rice University

Expertise: Design and control of haptic interfaces and bilateral tele-manipulation systems, human-machine interfaces for human-assisted movement and the modeling of human-robot interactions.


James Patton

James Patton

Senior Research Scientist Director, National Center for Rehabilitation Robotics

Sensory Motor Performance Program
Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago

Expertise: neural control of human movement; Robotics for therapeutic neuro-rehabilitation; automatic control; mechatronics; haptics; human-machine interfaces; robotic teaching; control of balance.


Marco Santello

Marco Santello

School Director and Professor

School of Biological and Health Systems Engineering
Arizona State University

Expertise: Neural control of movement, neurophysiology, motor learning, hand biomechanics


Sydney Schaefer

Sydney Schaefer

Assistant Professor

School of Biological and Health Systems Engineering
Arizona State University

Expertise: Human motor control and learning, neurorehabilition, cognitive aging 

Nicolas Schweighofer

Nicolas Schweighofer

Associate Professor

Division of Biokinesiology and Physical Therapy
University of Southern California

Expertise: Computational models of motor learning and neural plasticity in healthy and lesioned brains. Optimization of learning via adaptive practice schedules in healthy and stroke subjects.
